Stewed Garden Plums

‘Tis the season of plums. Overflowing baskets come in from the orchard, too many to count and almost too many to eat. Some become jam, others a healthy treat between meals, and the rest are lightly stewed for breakfast. I usually find they are both tart and sweet enough as they are, so this simple recipe requires nothing extra. Ladle into bowls and if you wish to sweeten them further, serve with a swirl of honey or natural sugar.

Stewed Garden Plums
Stewed Garden Plums

1 kg (2 pounds) plums
1 tablespoon water

  • Rinse the plums, put into a wide bottomed pot with 1 tablespoon of water. (The plums will release their own juice as they heat up.)
  • Set the pot over a low flame and stir regularly, being careful not to break the fruits. While stirring, rotate the plums to ensure even cooking.
  • Simmer just until the peels begin to split, their juices release and the plums reveal their lovely colour, about 10–15 minutes.
  • Ladle and serve to your hearts content.
garden plums
Our Garden Plums

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