Upcoming (see also calendar)

  • Feb. 15 Zazenkai with Senko
  • Feb.16 Workshop ‘Singing with the whole body’
  • March 20-23 Sesshin at Holterberg with Senko

Introduction Course

Starting Thursday January 16 – February 27, at 5 – 6.30 pm, we’ll provide a six-session introduction course, led by Jifu Sensei. The course is open to newcomers as well as more experienced practitioners. The focus will be on posture, awareness of the breath and how it nourishes the entire body, and how to remain both relaxed and alert during meditation. We will also experience and get to know the different phases within meditation.

Furthermore, we will investigate how meditation can influence our daily life. There will be ample opportunity to ask questions and exchange experiences. Exercises will be given to work on at home, and each session will be enriched by inspiring sayings and stories from Buddhist masters.

The Zen Boat is affiliated to the International Buddhist Monastery Zen River Temple. The teachers living and working on the Zen Boat, Simon Senko de Boer and Helma Jifu Vulink, received dharma transmission in 2014 from Tenkei Roshi, abbot of Zen River. In addition to their work on the Zen Boat, Senko gives meditation classes in Zentrum Utrecht once a week, while Jifu has become the spiritual leader of Zen Centrum Rotterdam and is living and working there for two to four days a week.

The Zen Boat provides a year-round daily programme of meditation and study classes, combined with individual instruction (daisan) and Buddhist Services every morning. Every Thursday afternoon, an introductory hour is held for those new to zen practice. Once a month, on Saturdays, there is a day of zazen (zazenkai). Four times a year a sesshin is organized in cooperation with Zen Centre Rotterdam and Zentrum Utrecht. There is ample opportunity to stay overnight for a maximum of 8 participants. Online contact is maintained with students who live further away. Once a month, both on the Zen Boat and via zoom, putting the dharma into words is practiced in conjunction with the study of Buddhist literature in Study & Speech classes.

The Zen Boat maintains an informal style of practice, inspired by the Three Treasures – the insight of Buddha – the wisdom of Dharma – and the harmony of Sangha. Those Three Treasures are maintained and practised using the Four Training Elements as developed at Zen River Temple.

The Zen Boat maintains an informal style of practice, inspired by the Three Treasures – the insight of Buddha – the wisdom of Dharma – and the harmony of Sangha. Those Three Treasures are maintained and practised using the Four Training Elements as developed at Zen River Temple.

1) Zazen, a form of sitting meditation that makes it possible to experience our deepest being and to gain clarity about our function in life.

2) Zen Ritual, active forms of group meditation that help us develop a mutual connection with one another.

3) Study, the research of Buddhist scriptures and commentaries throughout the ages that support the practice of Zen in both meditation and daily life.

4) Bodhisattva Activity, practice in living a life of wisdom and compassion based on well-tested Buddhist guidelines.

For more detailed information on the Four Elements, please click here.

In Zen Boat activities, the aspect of the community (Sangha) is regularly emphasized both within the group of practitioners and towards other (local) Buddhist groups. The Zen Boat is open to anyone who wants to get acquainted with Zen practice. Each Thursday, full instruction is given to newcomers, including guided meditation, introducing basic principles of Zen Buddhism and Q&A. From January 16 – till February 27 we’ll provide a six-sessions course on ‘how to meditate’, followed by a six-sessions course on ‘basic buddhist teachings’ from March 6 till April 17. (see also weekly schedule).


Jan. 29
Feb. 2
Sesshin Havelte with Jifu via Zen Centrum Rotterdam (fully booked)
Feb. 15Zazenkai at the Zen Boat Groningen, 7 am – 5 pm with Senko
Feb.16Workshop ‘Singing with the whole body’ nearby the Zen Boat Groningen, 1-5 pm with Pieter Bosma
Sesshin Holterberg (Nat. Park Overijssel) with Senko via Zentrum Utrecht
April 19Zazenkai at the Zen Boat Groningen, 7 am – 5 pm with Senko
May 18Zazenkai in Wageningen at KenKon, 9 am – 5 pm with Senko
Sesshin Holterberg (Nat.Park Overijssel) with Jifu via Zen Centrum Rotterdam
(s.c.) Sesshin Holterberg (Dutch spoken)
with Senko via Zen Boat Groningen
Sesshin Klimaatverkenningen Holterberg (Dutch spoken)
with Jifu & Senko via Zen Boat Groningen
Sept. 6Zazenkai Schiermonnikoog, 5 am – 9 pm with Jifu and Senko via Zen Boat Groningen
Sept. 21Zazenkai in Wageningen at KenKon, 9 am – 5 pm with Senko
Sesshin Holterberg (Nat. Park Overijssel) with Senko via Zentrum Utrecht
Zen BoatStudy & Speech – Dutch on Buddhist vows. On Saturdays, January 11, February 8, March 8, April 5, May 10 & June 7, each time at 9.30 – 11 am
onlineStudy & Speech – Dutch on the paramita’s. On Saturdays, January 18, February 22, March 15, April 12, May 17 & June 14, each time at 9.30 – 11 am
online /
Zen Boat
Study & Speech – English on the Lotus Sutra on January 18, February 22, March 15, April 12, May 17 & June 14, each time at 4–5.30 pm
online /
Zen Boat
Dharma words – English On Sundays, January 12, February 9, March 9, April 6, May 11 & June 8, each time at 7.30-9 pm
Atonement Ceremony Fusatsu on Thursdays, January 16, February 13, March 13, April 17, May 15, June 12 & July 10, each time at 7.30-8.45 pm


Regular week schedule physical presence on the Zen BoatDuring morning zazen, you can walk in – quietly – any time between 6.30 – 7.30 am

9–10 am zazen – also welcoming hour to those newly interested in zazen
6.30–8.20 am zazen + morning service / 7.30–9 pm practice upon appointment
6.30–8.20 am zazen + morning service / 7.30–9.15 pm zazen + dharma words
6.30–8.20 am zazen + daisan Senko + morning service
Thursday 6.30–8.20 am zazen + morning service / 5.30–6.30 pm zen intro / 7.30–9 pm zazen + daisan Jifu

January 16 – Febuary 27 / 5-6.30 pm, six introductory sessions ‘how to meditate’, with Jifu

March 6 – April 17 / 5-6.30 pm, six introductory sessions ‘buddhist basics’, with Senko

Week schedule, zoom
4–5.30 pm daisan Senko / 7.30–9.15 pm zazen + dharma words
4–5.30 pm daisan Jifu
7.30–8.30 am zazen + morning service

Language: Classes and private interviews are held in English and, if needed, in Dutch.


Contributions can be paid by bank transfer preferably (see below) or in cash upon arrival.

Membership *€40 per month / €400 per year€15 p.m. / €150 p.y.
First meetingdonation appreciated
Sunday morning zazendonation appreciated
Study & Speech (10 sessions)€100 per year€100 per year
Zen intro €40 per month
Introduction Course (6 sessions)€60 per course
Zazenkai, one day at Zen Boat€30
Zazenkai, Schiermonnikoog€75 / incl. ferry, lunch & bicycle rental
Weekend Sesshin€50/excl. Stay overnight
Stay overnight€20/night
Sesshin on locationsee relevant website

Zen Boat Membership includes zazen, zen intro, study classes, zen intro and personal interview (daisan), both on the Zen Boat and through zoom. Contributions and donations are tax-deductible.

IBAN: NL72 TRIO 0212 4970 30
account name ‘Zen River’
reference: ‘Zen Boat’


Tel. +31-50-7503343, email: zenboat@zenrivertemple.org
Zen Boat, Winschoterdiep 1027, 9724 GT  Groningen