ShoSaiMyo: Vol.2
by Myoho Roshi
We are pleased to announce the release of Myoho Roshi’s new musical album, which launched on January 30th. The album, titled “ShoSaiMyo Vol. 2,” complements “ShoSaiMyo Vol. 1.” Most of the sutras and dharanis featured in these albums are regularly chanted in Zen temples. Notably, the Ushnisha Vijaya dharani, also known as Namgyelma in Tibetan, is more commonly chanted in Tibetan lineages.
For the creation of these songs, Myoho Roshi collaborated with producer Brad Ryudo Stock. Brad started practicing at the former Kanzeon Zen Center in Salt Lake City in the late 1990s and is a student of Genshin Roshi.
Several people have mentioned that the slower tracks have been very consoling for patients in their hospice work. (Jizo Shingon dharani, Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo, Sho Sei Kai, and Daihishin Dharani.)
The five new tracks on Volume 2 are:
- Shariraimon
- Sho Sei Kai Bon [May We Exist in Muddy Water…]
- Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo
- No Maku San [from the Kanromon]
- Ushnisha Vijaya Dharani
All proceeds from the albums go towards supporting Zen River Temple.
Welcome Genko Roshi

Zen River is happy to welcome Michel Genko Roshi, a long-time friend and dharma colleague of both Tenkei and Myoho. Genko lives in Paris with Genno Pages Roshi, at Dana Sangha. He will join Zen River for the upcoming Bodhidharma sesshin.
New Years Eve Gathering

A festive musical evening was had by all, at the end of the New Year’s Sesshin – pirates included!
Tutti Cantano

Zen River welcomed Tutti Cantano Choir from Zuidwolde, which performed its annual Christmas concert and its end-of-season gathering here. Myoho Roshi, Doin Sensei – and Izzy Esho when she lived at Zen River – have been choir members for the last seven years. This year, Edwin Velvis took over from Pieter Bosma as choir conductor. It was the first time several new choir members performed for the Zen River Tutti Cantano concert. Myoho Roshi and the Zen River team prepared a meal for everyone for the festivities. What a lovely evening!
Arriving Soon

“ShoSaiMyo: Vol. 1,” which was initially uploaded to Bandcamp in June, will be available on streaming platforms within the next week or two under Myoho Roshis artist name, Myōra. She photographed the small Kanzeon statue in the hatto, or main service hall, for the album cover. “ShoSaiMyo: Vol. 1” is expected to reach Spotify, Apple Music etc. in
the New Year, if not sooner. To support Zen River, download the tracks from Bandcamp to your devices.
Continued Window Works & Vents

The new windows installed in December in the reception, Hojo and library, were first rendered on the inside by Taikan-san, then painted by our trusted painter, Steffen Buikema. Meanwhile, Jansen – the electrical company – installed a new vent system for the shower to prevent mould and for the office against printing fumes. The reception window also has new blinds to match the new frame!
Winter Ango, Shuso Kangen

We are happy to announce that Niels Kangen van Henten is shuso (head monk) for the Winter Ango 2024-25.
Newsletter & Fundraiser
Fall Winter 2024

Autumn Garden Works

Falling leaves, apples and trees. Walnuts and ladders, gutters and branches. All in an autumn day’s garden work at Zen River.
The Art Part
As you may know, Zen River focuses more on Art and Music as an element of our training. In line with this new element, we are pleased to announce the release of Tammy Myoho Roshi’s new acoustic album with sutras and dharanis. It has been expertly produced by Painted Sky Studios using a Fleetwood Mac-inspired soundscape! Proceeds from downloads will go towards the Zen River monastic scholarship fund.
Visit Larry Fuho Sensei

Zen River was happy to welcome Larry Fuho Trussell Sensei. Fuho Sensei is a lay dharma successor of Jan Chozen Bays Rohi, Great Vow monastery in Oregon, US. While here, he gave an inspiring talk about his life and training practice.
Window Replacement Continues

The ongoing years-long project to replace all the windows with double-glazed windows continues.
The construction company de Boer replaced almost all windows in living areas. Still to go are the windows in the corridors and the window extension in the reception roof. The reception window weighed over 300 kg and needed some helping hands to move it into place!
Zen River Movie Reel
Willy Bunan Combe, from the Zen River Lima group led by Ryusho Sensei, made this reel while at Zen River. Enjoy!

Sacred Mischief Workshop

Zen River was happy to welcome professional clown Moshe Coen for a Sacred Mischief workshop. There was lots of bodywork, lightness and playfulness.
Jukai Ceremony for Zen River Lima group

The Jukai Ceremony at Zen River for members of the Zen River Lima (Peru) group. Congratulations!Maria Belen Genjin 元仁 Mejia (Benevolence), Miguel Gennai 玄内 Le Goff (Inner Mystery), Mar Aigo 愛語 Hernandez (Loving Speech), Willy Bunan 不難 Combe (No Difficulties). They came with Ryusho Sensei, flying in from different countries including Bolivia, Colombia, Lima, and Barcelona. Seven Zen Y Vida group members from Madrid, led by Juancho Calvo, also joined. It was a colourful week!
Window Repair and Renovation

Double glazing and window renovations in windows and glass doors continue at Zen River. Even with so many windows already replaced, there is still a long way to go. Bouwbedrijf de Boer are busy working to get things done!
Lay Head Monk – Hossenshiki 2024

For the Summer Month long sesshin this year, Tenkei Roshi requested Rian Chân Không van Erp to take on the position of Lay Shuso this time. She is a senior student of Meindert Musho van den Heuvel Roshi who teaches at ‘Zen in de Roos’ in Amsterdam. Congratulations!
Summer Month Long 2024

The summer month-long was a full house this year. There were also Zoom talks given by Prof Layne Little from UC Davis California, Roshis Jikyo Miller from San Diego, and Tenshin Fletcher from Yokoji, California, plus an in-person talk by Dr. Han de Wit, a student of Trungpa Rinpoche and a well-known Dutch author.
Young Minds Seminar 2024

Teaching of the Great Mountain
Now available on all Amazon storefronts. A reprinted hardcover version from the original Teaching of the Great Mountain, by Taizan Maezumi Roshi. It was first published by Tuttle in 2001. The text was transcribed, compiled and formatted by Tenkei Coppens from talks given by Maezumi Roshi in the UK in the 80’s.

June 24 2024
On June 24 2024, after a year of production, a new album of sutras created by Tammy Myoho Gabrysch and produced by Brad Stock at Painted Sky Studios is now available on Bandcamp. And on September 6, a teaser for the forthcoming Unplugged album was released, see below. Enjoy listening! Proceeds will support the Zen River scholarship fund.
White Plum Meeting, June 20-23, 2024
During the White Plum meeting in five different temples across Europe, the UK, and the USA, Zen River was invited to officiate the Memorial Service for Maezumi Roshi, with music and slideshows.

Visit Zen River Madrid
Zazenkais at Zen River Madrid, Manzanares el Real; Villa Milagros, & Zen Y Vida Madrid

Spring Summer Newsletter 2024
newsletter-05-24.03Jukai Ceremony

At the end of the Sakura Spring Sesshin, Alessandro Gan’yu 願雄 (Strong Vow) Tesolin, and Juancho Kozan 古山 (Ancient Mountain) Calvo both received Jukai from Tenkei Roshi. Congratulations!
Dharma Ancestor Service

An evening service for our Dharma ancestors, Maezumi Roshi and Hojosan was held in the Buddha Grove.
Wat Buddhavihara Temple in Purmerend

Last year, the new temple of Wat Buddhavihara was inaugurated in Purmerend, The Netherlands. On April 20th, the B.U.N. (Buddhist Union Netherlands) was invited there – for a workshop on the theme othe f diversity of Buddhism in the Netherlands – and again celebrate this auspicious occasion for the Thai community. As an active member of the B.U.N. Tenkei Roshi was invited to give one of several short introductory speeches. The afternoon was followed by a General Members Meeting.
Spring arrives at Zen River