Residential Training & Sesshins

Zen River is happy to welcome a safe number of people to join programmed activities, including sesshin and Gyoji weeks.
For in-person attendance, each person, or persons from the same household, will have their own room. For guests, we observe physical distancing of 1.5 metres for the first ten (continuous) days, after which you can merge with the residential/household group. The zendo is spacious and airy, with room enough to keep distance. When walking between the zendo and hatto, guests can use the outdoor path to the front door that follows the old wing. Plus, for now, we ask guests to refrain from chanting during services when held indoors.
Participants are requested to bring their own supply of face-masks.

The above information is subject to change, depending on how things develop! Notifications will be included in Zen River email updates.
Everyone is welcome to join Zen River for O-sesshins. Despite the time difference, people from as far away as the west coast of the US have joined the O-sesshins and can catch up with any of the programmes via the dedicated Youtube channel. Participants can actively join Dharma talks and study classes by using the live chat function on YouTube and will receive dokusan regularly. There is a virtual dokusan line in the Zoom App during the afternoon and evening zazen. Your turn will be notified in advance by email.

O-Membership Program
The monthly O-membership program gives access to all online Zen River activities, including most O-sesshins. Please visit the Membership Program page for more details.