20-Year Anniversary of Zen River in Uithuizen
On September 25th, Zen River celebrate the move to Uithuizen 20 years ago. It was a joyful reunion of old and new Dharma family and friends. Drizzling rain, sunshine and Champagne! (0%!)
Jukai Ceremony
During the last week of the summer month-long sesshin, Nanna Shinko Rodrigues de Miranda received Jukai from Tenkei Roshi. Congratulations!
Master Plasterer Martin van De Kruk
Assisted by Taikan Gregoire, Zen River’s master plasterer, Martin van de Kruk, came by to replaster the wall in the Kodo and the Inryo. Thank you for a job well done!
Shusohossenshiki for Shoryu de Rooden
On August 4th, Peter Shoryu de Rooden completed his second Hossenshiki. The first time was during Covid, so the Jokeshi (witness) could not attend. This year, the European sokan, Minegishi Roshi, was present to witness and formalize the ceremony. Congratulations!
Taiko Drum Workshop and Performance
August 13th
with Marco Lienhard
Zen River was happy to welcome the taiko group #taikoza, led by Marco Lienhard, Micah Wilhelm and Mark. What a great performance and fantastic mini-workshops!
Open House to Welcome the Neighbours
Zen River welcomed neighbours for a Sunday afternoon visit. Neighbours could meet new neighbours, and visit the Temple for the first time. It was a lovely afternoon, and the weather was perfect.
Shukke Tokudo Ceremony for Myokan Harkema
Visit Genpo Roshi
During his last European Tour, Genpo Roshi came to visit Zen River with his wife Charlotte Jigen. While he was here, he officiated an intimate ceremony to inter a relic of Maezumi Roshi under the stupa in the Buddha Grove.
Young Minds Seminar
Besides Zazen, services, oryoki meals, and garden work, there were lots of creative projects and workshops!
Zen River Cookbook Volume 2
Jukai Ceremony
Zen River Spring Newsletter 2022
Short-term Resident, Hori Aoi
Teisho with Yamamoto Roshi
West-Wall Grout
After many years of wind and rain, the grouting on this west wall was falling apart and needed to be replaced. The result was wonderful.
New Front Sign
Jukai Ceremony
27 April 2022
Young Minds Seminar
22 April 2022
Gyoji Weeks
May 2022
Martha Ekyo Maezumi
10 April 2022
Zoom Series of Lectures.
Saikawa Roshi, April 10, 11:30 CET
The next Zoom lecture is with Saikawa Roshi and takes place on Sunday, April 10, at 11:30 AM.
Tenkei Roshi first met Saikawa Roshi during his stay at ZCLA in the early eighties. Later, he met him regularly in Japan, as Saikawa Roshi often visited Kirigayaji to meet with Hojo-san and give lectures there. Saikawa Roshi lived for a long time in Sao Paulo as the head (Sokan) of the South American department of the Soto School. As the Sokan, he came to Zen River Temple a few years ago to be Jokeshi (official witness) at the Hossenshiki ceremony of Wayne Taikan Gregoire. He now lives in Japan again and has been appointed abbot of a monastic training temple in Shizuoka prefecture. Saikawa Roshi knew both Maezumi Roshi and Hojo-san for a long time, and Tenkei Roshi has asked him to particularly address his relationship with those two masters.
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Solar Panel Installation Phase 2
Solar Panel Installation
Zoom Conferences with Brazil
Born in Sao Paolo, Coen Roshi practised with Maezumi Roshi in the US but also trained for many years in Japan; with Aoyama Roshi in Aichi Senmon Nisodo, and with Hojo-sama in Kirgayaji and Fujidera. After completing her studies, she returned to Sao Paolo, and in 2001 founded the Zen Buddhist Community of Brazil. Fluent in Japanese, Coen Roshi aims to bridge traditional and modern approaches to Zen. She wrote many books and has become a public spokesperson for Buddhism in her country.
Skylights at Night
Skylight Matters
Night Owl
Marloes spotted this lovely owl behind the kitchen windows one early morning.
New Years Zoom Sesshin Online
with International Guest Teachers
December 27-January 7, 2022
Part 1 December 27-January 1
Part 2 January 2-7
Everyone is welcome to join us online for our New Year’s sesshin, December 27–Jan.1 and January 2–7. Both parts of the sesshin will start at 3:30 pm with an introduction and end on the last day with concluding remarks in the early morning.
The sesshin schedule will be as usual, except that morning zazen is 6:00 – 7:30 am (two 40 minute periods). Also, we are very happy to mention again that, in addition to the dharma talk at 11:30 am, in most evenings there will be an interactive video conference conducted by seven guest teachers:
Tuesday, Dec. 28 —— Jorge Ryusho Lopez Doriga Sensei from Peru
Wednesday, Dec. 29 —Han de Wit Acharya from The Netherlands
Thursday, Dec. 30 —- Charles Tenshin Fletcher, Roshi from the US
Monday, Jan. 3 ——- Diane Musho Hamilton Roshi from the US
Tuesday, Jan. 4 ——- Michael Mugaku Zimmerman Roshi from the US
Wednesday, Jan. 5 — Nicolee Jikyo MacMahon Roshi from the US
Thursday, Jan. 6 —— Peter Gakudo den Hollander Sensei from Spain
These video conferences will be held in the evening from 8:00-9:15 pm
Dokusan and Daisan will be offered mostly in the afternoon, 4:10-5:40 pm. Please remember that all times indicated in this email refer to local time (CET). So for those who attend from abroad, check the time difference in advance…!
If you are an ‘O-member’ already, participation is free of charge. If you are not a member of the online program, please make a transfer of €50, which will also include the membership of this month and the month of January (see bank details below).
We understand that as a zoom participant you may not make all the sessions, so please just zoom in as much as you are able to.
IBAN: NL72 TRIO 0212 4970 30
t.n.v.: ‘Zen River’
o.v.v.: ‘NY Sesshin’
contribution: €50
Calendar 2022
December 27, 2021 – January 1 New Year’s Sesshin part 1, 5-day
January 2–7 New Year’s Sesshin part 2, 5-day
January 15–16 Intro Weekend
January 15–20 Gyōji Week
January 28–30 Bodhidharma Weekend Sesshin
February 5–6 Young Minds Weekend
February 19–26 Ango Closing Sesshin, 7-day
March 19–20 Rakusu Sewing Weekend
March 25–27 Weekend Sesshin
April 9–14 Gyōji Week
April 23–28 Sakura Spring Sesshin, 5-day
May 7–12 Gyōji Week
May 21–26 Falling Flowers Sesshin, 5-day
May 22 Lecture with Layne Little, Salt Lake City
May 28 Yamamoto Roshi Zoom Teisho, Japan
June 4–9 Gyōji Week
June 5 Talk with Rev. Hojun Szpunar, Japan
June 17–19 Weekend Sesshin
June 25 Yamamoto Roshi Zoom Teisho, Japan
July 2–7 Young Minds Seminar
July 9 –14 Gyōji Week
July 23–August 20 Summer Month Long
July 23–28 Sesshin Part 1, 5-day
July 30–August 4 Sesshin Part 2, 5-day
August 4 Shuso Hossenshiki
August 6–11Sesshin Part 3, 5-day
August 13 Taiko workshop with Marco Lienhard
August 13–20 Sesshin Part 4, 7-day
September 10–11 Intro Weekend
September 10–15 Gyōji Week
September 16–18 Weekend Sesshin
September 25, 20-year anniversary celebration
October 8–13 Gyōji Week
October 22–27 Falling Leaf Sesshin, 5-day
November 5–10 Gyōji Week
WINTER ANGO 2022–2023
November 19–26 Rohatsu Sesshin, 7-day
December 21, Tutti Cantano concert
December 26, Shusohossenshiki for Esho des Etoiles
December 10–15 Gyōji Week
December 27–January 1, 2023, New Year Sesshin, 5-day